Featured Poet – Melissa Eleftherion
/Negative Capability Press will features a poet on our website every month. To submit yourself for consideration, follow the instructions on our Submissions page.
gray to white to luster
imperfect cleavage
a dull conchoidal
lacking silica
the current lavas
giving water to the fusible
the muscle of metamorphosis
a vigorous tiny shell
in rainbow margins eaten and eaten
in the hatches
blister pearls
to my grandmother - devout, flawed simple grit
the button jar was opportunity
nacreous rib for whirlgigs
all iridescence greasy
Melissa Eleftherion grew up in Brooklyn. She is the author of huminsect (dancing girl press, 2013), prism maps (dusie kollektiv, 2014), Pigtail Duty (dancing girl press, 2015), and several other chapbooks and fragments. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, Bukowski Erasure Poetry Anthology, Delirious Hem, Dusie, Entropy, Finery, Manifesting the Female Epic, Mom Egg Review, Open Letters Monthly, Poet as Radio, So to Speak, & TRUCK. She works as a librarian with Mendocino County Libraries, and created, developed, and currently manages the Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange. Follow her @apoetlibrarian and apoetlibrarian.wordpress.com.