BLOG - Negative Capability Press

Featured Poet Taylor Thorne

Featured Poet Taylor Thorne

Taylor Thorne is a transgender female, a chef, a writer, and lives her life with passion. She loves cheese burgers and the Count of Monte Cristo. Writing in several genres since childhood, she turned to poetry only a couple of years ago. A survivor of Hurricane Katrina, she now lives in Seattle, Washington.

New Note

The music of voice
Is cacophonous
Annoying, and
Infrequently glorious

How I walk this:
Annoyed, patient,
a Wince like a limp that does
Not yet require a cane

Fancy and made
Like my soul
gnarled wood

Everything so loud
And deep throaty nasal
Fading into the crowd
Shouted in terms of
Shorn volume

I wonder how it feels to cough up a lung


Last night was the first time
my therapist and I
did the EMDR board
about my experience
with Hurricane Katrina.

The vastness of it
hijacked my amygdala,
rendered me crippled,
and I crawled the longest way
home, uttering, “Vast, so vast

How can it not last?”
From there a smear of wet lights.
I lost my hoodie.
But at least I held on to
my wallet and false front tooth.